Mezzacorona Moscato

Recently in one of my manager meetings I was tasting the General Managers on some wines that we were going to be adding to our wine lists when it came to my attention that one of our new managers was not a wine drinker and had no experience at all with wine.

I decided I would take my time with him and explain the wines to him in the wine slob way and not with the wine snob twenty five cent words. He would barely take a sip and then spit the wine out.

It was fun trying to get him to tell me if the wine tasted more like grape kool-aid or cherry kool-aid. Soon he was trying to really guess the flavors but did not really enjoy the taste.

Well a couple of weeks pass and we all had to attend an out of town conference. So being the wine slob that I am, I decided to stock up on some good cheap wines from one of my favorite liquor stores instead of paying the price for room service wine.

Knowing that my new guy was going to be there, I decided to buy a couple of sweet white wines for him to try. One of them was the Mezzacorona Moscato pictured and a Riesling.

We decided that we all would meet in my room for a nice glass of wine before heading out for an enjoyable dinner. I opened a couple of reds and the two sweet white wines. I gave Mr. Newby (not his real name)  the Riesling first to taste, he sipped on it and actually drank some of it before sitting his glass down and ignoring it.

I decided to let him try the Moscato. At first he was tentative about drinking it but by his third sip you could see that he was actually trying to taste it and began trying to pick some flavors out of it. He said it was very sweet and tasted like honey and vanilla.

Holy crap was he right. It was sweet and did have nice hints of vanilla, honeydew melon and peach. Now the wine is a bit sweet for my taste but it was still a pleasant drinking wine and it was only about $7.00 for the bottle. It is a great wine for beginners and for those that enjoy a sweeter wine.

As Mr. Newby said after his seventh glass of Moscato that night "It's Like Drinking Kool-aid Through a Straw"

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